
  • Books,  Disability,  Neurodivergence

    Turtles All the Way Down

    Author: John Green Since I have been on a reading spree (perhaps even more so than usual due to the pandemic), I’m going to take a little break from reviewing movies and share some book reviews with you instead.  This week I am going to review a book that I actually just finished last weekend.  John Green is one of the most popular authors in the YA world, and his books have sold millions of copies and have been made into several movie/TV adaptions (sadly this book isn’t one of them quite yet).  When it was announced that Turtles All The Way Down was going to be published, people were…

  • Books

    The Hunger Games

    Author: Suzanne Collins One of the most popular YA novels of all time, The Hunger Games, was an immediate success when it came out in 2008; the book received critical acclaim for the plot and the character development and, by 2010, the book had sold over 800,000 copies.  Two more books followed in the series, making it a trilogy; and a prequel to the series was also released just last year.  I have read all three of the books in the trilogy and have really enjoyed them (though I was slightly disappointed with the last book), but I have yet to read the prequel that just came out.  I have…

  • Books


    Author: Veronica Roth Once again, we are at the end of five movie reviews, so it’s time to do a review of a book that I really enjoyed.  The book I’ve chosen this time is Divergent, which was published back in 2011 and was a great success when it was released.  The author was just in college when it was published, and two more books followed (it is thus a trilogy), which were both successes as well; also, a movie was released back in 2014, but the movie wasn’t received well by critics.  I very much enjoyed this book when I read it, and I enjoyed the 2nd book as…

  • Books


    Author: Brian Jacques Since I’m now at the end of five more movie reviews, it’s time for a review of a book that’s very special to me.  The book I’ve chosen is Redwall, which was published in the 1980’s and was a great success; and 21 more books were later published (I only have the first 2 books at this point).  These books were adapted into a TV show for PBS Kids that aired in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s; and it was just announced today that Netflix has plans to turn Redwall into a movie/TV show for its streaming service.  While I look forward to watching both of these adaptions,…

  • Books


    Author:  Christopher Paolini I have a bit of news for you about the format of my blog.  For now, after every five movie reviews/reflections, I’m going to post a review for a favorite book of mine.  Since I have reached that five-movie mark, my first book review is for Eragon.  I hope that you love the book as much as I do (and I hope too that if you haven’t read the book you’ll want to)!  Whatever your thoughts, I’d love to hear from you!  [A fun fact:  The author himself drew the impressive map at the beginning of the book!] Eragon is about a 15-year old boy (whose name…