Adventure Time

Adventure Time, which takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in the Land of Ooo, is about a teen boy named Finn and his brother, a stretchy magical dog named Jake, who love fighting evil and hanging with their group of quirky friends.  I’ve been quite nervous to review this show for a while because I was afraid I wouldn’t do it justice, as it is definitely one of the best cartoons ever!  It has great animation that looks even more beautiful each season and some great characters who I’m going to introduce right now.  We have Finn, a funny and brave teenager who is the last human on Earth (or is he…?);  Jake, the sassy and sometimes clueless brother of Finn whose girlfriend is Korean-speaking Lady Rainicorn; Princess Bubblegum, the science obsessed leader of the Candy Kingdom (who seems autistic coded btw); Ice King, the creepy king who likes kidnapping princesses but has a mysterious past; Ice King’s crew of silly penguins who are very strange and endearing; BMO, an adorable robot with a childlike sense of wonder from whom we can all learn something; and, of course, my favorite, the badass Marceline the Vampire Queen, a vampire who loves music and is a musician herself (all of her songs are fantastic and to all the indie music lovers she even covers one of my favorite Mitski songs in season 8!).  Marceline is just such a cool person and I relate to how she uses music as an outlet (I only listen to music though-I don’t play any instruments yet!).  Also, I don’t know how many people would agree with me on this, but I really love the Fionna and Cake episodes (you’ll just have to watch the show though to see what I mean about Fionna and Cake)!  With the show running for eight years and ten seasons, you would think it would peak at some point but Adventure Time never peaks.  It starts out as whimsical and lighthearted and, while its essence still remains over time, it does introduce more deeper themes and has quite a few dark moments as well.  Finn and Jake do spend most of the show fighting evil but it’s not really creepy in the beginning; as the show progresses though, there are more darker themes and villains, especially as we learn of the characters’ backgrounds and the trauma they’ve had to endure.  These themes may be triggering for people who have been through certain traumas.  Also, I’ve known some people who have given up on the show after the first episode because they couldn’t get into it.  My advice is to keep watching; because the more you watch, the more you’ll love the characters and the more you’ll notice the themes/patterns that’ll make more sense as the show goes on.  Overall, Adventure Time is a sweet, whimsical, funny, profound and heartwarming (and yes, some might even say weird) show that’ll make you laugh and maybe shed a tear or two.  I very highly recommend checking it out!

“People get built different. We don’t need to figure it out. We just need to respect it.”

A Quote from Princess Bubblegum


  • Tiger

    Hey again, Evangeline. I’m really glad that you enlightened me some regarding this TV show! I’ve met several people in recent years who seem slightly obsessed with it but I had no idea at all what they were talking about as I’d never heard of it. Just by the pic you chose to share above, I can see that the show is unique (even quirky maybe?) and I’m planning to watch a few to see if I catch the Adventure Time “bug.” The characters do sound super cool and so does the writing; I love it when creators address really heavy topics in unexpected ways, like through cute and colorful animation. And judging from the quote, I think Princess Bubblegum and I would be fast friends! Thank you for sharing this with us!

    • EvangelineFiles

      I am glad you liked the review and hope you enjoy the show when you watch it! Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met have been in the Adventure Time fandom! It’s much more chill and accepting than other fandoms I think haha. Thank you for reading!

  • Robert

    Amazing review, Evangeline!! As someone who has loved the show for a very long time, I think this review does the show justice. Honestly, it’s impossible to give the reader a thorough and accurate depiction of the show through a single blog post like this, but I think you do a great job at sparking interest around the world and characters of the show. If you haven’t seen Adventure Time, WATCH IT NOW!

    • EvangelineFiles

      First of all, it’s so nice to “meet” another Adventure Time fan! Second of all, I’m so happy you think my review did the show justice. I was worried that it wouldn’t since I love the show a lot and have a hard time reviewing things I like a lot sometimes. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!:)

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