Disability,  TV


This week I’m going to be reviewing Hawkeye, a miniseries that I really enjoyed.  Hawkeye has been well received by critics, some calling it the best Marvel series on Disney+ (along with Wandavision and Loki that is).  Hawkeye has also been streamed a lot since it came out, making the top 10 on several streaming charts.  I definitely found this to be the best Marvel show that I’ve seen on Disney+, which I will talk about more below.  FYI, this show does have a Christmas theme to it, and I loved watching it at Christmas, but I think you can watch it even if it’s not around Christmastime.  I was looking forward to this show for two reasons and those are that I really like Hailee Steinfeld’s work and that the dog in the show looks kind of like my own dog!

In this 5th MCU series on Disney+ (the other series I mention below), despite the titular character not being my most favorite superhero (nothing against him but just haven’t paid a lot of attention to him before), this is definitely the best Marvel show to come out on Disney+!  While Wandavision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier had good parts, I thought they both ended poorly; and I haven’t yet seen Loki or What If…?   I found the plotlines of Hawkeye very interesting and the acting really good, and I think the characters are awesome as well!  Both Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld do a great job portraying their characters, and we also get great diversity/representation in the show, as the character Maya Lopez/Echo is a deaf character played by a deaf actress who is also an amputee and is Native American as well.  Talk about great representation on multiple levels!  I don’t remember there ever being a disabled or an indigenous character in the MCU.  Also, spoiler alert, my girl Yelena returns in the 4th episode!  Yay!!  Just as an FYI, there is some violence in the show and a couple of characters die (some in flashback scenes), but this isn’t surprising since it’s an action series.  In the past, I’ve talked about how it’s important for media to be diverse so that all kinds of people can see themselves represented on screen, and I definitely think this show did diversity the best!  For me, Hawkeye avoids the “mess” of the two other MCU shows that I’ve seen, as its themes (like diversity) come across as effortless and things are tied together neatly at the end of the series.  So, if you’re thinking about diving into the MCU shows on Disney+, I think you should start with this one, and then watch the others and judge for yourself if they’re better, worse or equal to Hawkeye


  • Tiger

    So, I have to say that I agree with you 100%! I enjoyed this series immensely and it made a lot more sense to me overall than the other ones that I’ve seen. I haven’t disliked any of them but I have loved some more than others and this was a strong love one for me for sure! The diversity theme you talk about jumped out at me as well and made me most happy and excited (and optimistic for the future). Also, the “periodic table” is super cool! Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, Evangeline!

    • EvangelineFiles

      I’m so glad that you enjoyed the post and that you enjoyed the miniseries as well! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

  • Catherine harrison

    I am not familiar at all with the Marvel series. Hawkeye does sound interesting.
    You writing skills and maturity are impressive.
    You are one smart, talented young woman.

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