

As the 33rd Disney film, Pocahontas is a popular movie with some Disney fans yet, sometimes, it’s still not as well known as other movies.  When the idea was conceived, the CCO of Disney at the time was hoping it would be nominated for best picture like Beauty and the Beast; and the company even contacted some Native Americans to help with the movie.  But, after the movie’s release, the Native American community felt as if the movie was offensive and that Disney didn’t listen to their advice.  The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the animation, titular character, music, and themes but criticized the historical inaccuracies and racial overtones.  The film also underperformed financially.  While it didn’t do terribly, people wanted to see a new Batman movie instead (and this was also the year that Pixar’s Toy Story came out).  I would love to hear your thoughts on this popular yet sometimes unknown Disney film!

Pocahontas is about an 18-year-old American Indian woman whose father wants her to marry one of the villagers, Kocoum, but Pocahontas feels that that’s not the right path for her.  One day, a ship full of Caucasian people comes to her land.  Pocahontas is very fascinated with these people and even befriends and teaches one of them (John Smith).  Later on, when John Smith is in imminent danger, Pocahontas must decide if she should do what she thinks is right and help him.  This movie has gorgeous animation and very cute animal sidekicks (especially racoon Meeko), and the character Pocahontas is very admirable.  She is independent, as she refuses to marry someone she doesn’t love, and she tries to help people understand the beauty of nature.  However, some scenes in this film could be intense for younger kids (like a scene in which one of Pocahontas’s people is killed).  Also, this movie is very problematic.  Many racist words (which are used in at least two songs) are directed toward Pocahontas and her people, and the way that the white men discriminate towards the Native Americans is more than a little disturbing.  And FYI, even though Pocahontas was a real person, much of the movie is actually historically inaccurate.  So, I would strongly caution parents regarding the intense scenes and, even more especially, regarding the portrayal of Native Americans.  I’d also recommend that people who watch the movie read about Pocahontas’s real life.  And I feel that it’s about time for Disney to do a movie that does The Native American Community justice.  They deserve to have a movie that portrays them well!  My personal favorite part of the movie comes from the song “Colors of the Wind.”  In the song, Pocahontas sings about the injustice directed towards her and her people and about how we need to not look down upon people who are different from us.  If only the film crew could’ve taken this song to heart when they put this film together!

“You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you.  But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew, you never knew.”

Lyrics from “Colors of the Wind” (sung by Pocahontas)


  • Katherine Denton

    Very well researched, Evangeline! If you’re interested, you should look into how earlier Disney animators had what they called “A movies” and “B movies”. Each year they would produce on movie that used more resources, and was meant to be a blockbuster, the “A movie” and the other would be cheaper to make, and animators expected it to not do as well. If I remember correctly, Pocahontas was the A movie for that year, and The Lion King was actually their B movie!

      • Walinda

        Very interesting. I haven’t seen this one. I’m disappointed and curious. Do you think that the message about injustice stands out?

        • EvangelineFiles

          I would say regarding the injustice towards the Native Americans the film didn’t do a good job portraying them at all. I would say it actually romanticized racial prejudice. I was really disappointed as this was a film I watched a lot when I was younger. It really needs the racism warning that Disney+ gave to films like Dumbo. I would to hear your thoughts if you do decide to watch the movie.

  • Loyal Fan

    Your review was good. I especially liked the quote that you picked from the song.
    Your staging was good. The doll is beautiful.
    I would like to see the movie.

  • Tiger

    So, I really, really love the American Indian culture and have some really personal connections to/with it, and this fact makes me all the more disappointed in this movie. Thank you for your honesty. I so love your pic (the historical tribal map in the background is fantastic!), and I so love your quote (how very true it is!)! I’ve heard that song that you highlight a lot but I had never really focused on all the words and their meaning; its message truly is profound. Great job, Evangeline!

    • EvangelineFiles

      I was really disappointed with Pocahontas. Most especially since I watched it often when I was younger and the fact that it doesn’t have a warning on Disney+. I hope they add one soon. I honestly didn’t pay attention to the songs meaning until I was older myself. I’m glad you appreciated the message behind it!

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