
Oliver & Company

As the 27th Disney film, the idea for Oliver & Company was thought of after a story artist suggested that Disney do a version of Oliver Twist with dogs.  During a meeting where people from Disney discussed potential ideas for movies (like The Little Mermaid and Treasure Planet), it was decided that Oliver & Company was going to be much darker but thankfully they edited out most of the dark parts.  When Oliver & Company was released, it was a box office success, even outgrossing Don Bluth’s The Land Before Time, but it received mixed reviews from critics.  They praised the animation and music but thought the plot was too predictable and was only a movie to entertain children.  This was a “brand new” movie for me as I had actually not seen it before; but I had read the actual book Oliver Twist a long time ago and it was pretty dark, which might explain why the original movie script was much darker.  I hope you’ll check this movie out but beware that, if you’re a real Charles Dickens fan, you may not be sure what to think about this particular movie!

Oliver & Company (loosely based on the book Oliver Twist) is about a young orphan kitten, Oliver, who is taken in by a dog, Dodger, along with his pals who are homeless.  Meanwhile, the dog’s owner, Fagin, is in debt and owes Sykes, a creepy shipyard agent, lot of money.  While the crew is trying to help Fagin pay back Sykes, Oliver gets stuck in a car and ends up being adopted by Jenny, a girl from a wealthy family.  Dodger and the crew go on a quest to get Oliver back, not knowing that the little kitten is actually where he belongs.  This movie presents a good lesson or two for viewers; one such lesson is how being greedy for money can be bad, as we see what damage greed has done to Sykes.  The movie’s soundtrack is also really good in my opinion and is the best one since Robin Hood (it probably helps that Billy Joel, who voices Dodger, sings some of the songs), and most of the animals are very adorable (with the exception of a couple not so nice Dobermans).  However, despite the animation and awesome soundtrack and mostly fun characters, this movie can get violent at times (such as a scene where Sykes chases after Fagin and the gang); and there is a chihuahua, Tito, who seems to represent some stereotypes of people from Mexico.  Also, I feel like there are some plot holes in this movie.  I actually thought I was going to dislike it when I started watching it, but it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.  I would caution parents regarding the scary scenes and the portrayal of Tito as well.  I think personally the best message that comes out of this movie is that, although Dodger and his gang and Jenny are not Oliver’s biological family (his kitten siblings were adopted at the beginning of the movie and no one knows where his parents are), they are more Oliver’s family than his biological family ever was.  Family isn’t always blood; it’s the people that love and accept you for who you are.  That is family and that is a lesson/theme that I seem to see over and over again in Disney movies!

“Why should I worry?  Why should I care?  I may not have a dime, but I’ve got street savoir-faire.”

Dodger (from Billy Joel song “Why Should I Worry”)


  • Tiger

    Ok, so here’s another one that I’ve not seen, and I’m a huge movie fan, especially animated ones; and it sounds most interesting! Don’t know how I missed it. I appreciate your honesty regarding how different the movie is from the Charles Dickens’ work that the script came from (Dickens is heavy!), and I love that Billy Joel is such a big part of the movie! I’m also really glad that you continue to point out/educate readers and movie viewers regarding stereotypes; that’s so important! The pic is adorable and so is the movie quote/song lyric. Thank you for continuing to educate us on your passion!

    • EvangelineFiles

      I can’t believe that I missed watching this movie myself! I’m really surprised I didn’t watch it when I was younger. Yes, the movie and the book it was based on are quite different from one another. Oliver Twist is actually the only Dickens book I’ve ever actually finished. I love that Billy Joel is in the movie too! I don’t know his music super well but a good friend of mine really likes his music. Thank you for understanding what I stated regarding stereotypes. I’m really surprised Disney hasn’t put a warning on Oliver & Company yet. I hope they do so for my very young friends sake. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  • Walinda

    So I’m no movie aficionado- it turns out I haven’t read most of the movies you’ve reviewed,
    Including this one. But I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise since I didn’t spend to many years in the US during my childhood. This one sounds so cute. I haven’t read Dickens either but have heard it’s a classic. Incidentally I have watched The Land Before Time! I watched those with John when he was little. Loved reading your review!

    • EvangelineFiles

      A lot of people I know haven’t seen this movie either including myself. I guess a lot of people just forgot about it. I would love to hear your thoughts if you decide to watch it! I also saw a couple of The Land Before Time movies when I was younger but don’t remember much about them other than the fact they featured dinosaurs. (I went through a dinosaur phase when I was younger) Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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