• TV

    Adventure Time

    Adventure Time, which takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in the Land of Ooo, is about a teen boy named Finn and his brother, a stretchy magical dog named Jake, who love fighting evil and hanging with their group of quirky friends.  I’ve been quite nervous to review this show for a while because I was afraid I wouldn’t do it justice, as it is definitely one of the best cartoons ever!  It has great animation that looks even more beautiful each season and some great characters who I’m going to introduce right now.  We have Finn, a funny and brave teenager who is the last human on Earth (or…

  • Books,  Neurodivergence


    TW/CW: parental abandonment and theme of mental illness (specifically social anxiety, bipolar disorder and alcoholism) Fangirl  is about an 18-year old, Cath, who is going off to college and is quite nervous since it’s the first time she’s going to be all on her own without her twin sister Wren at her side. Cath is also worried about her dad, who struggles with bipolar and is not very good at being alone. Cath finds comfort in writing fan fiction for her favorite book series of all time, the Simon Snow series, and she’s one of the most well-known fan-fiction writers online. When she meets her tough-love new roommate and her…