• Books


    Author: Cornelia Funke This week I’m going to be reviewing a book that I really enjoyed!  When Inkheart was published in 2003 (it was originally published in Germany so it didn’t reach the U.S until 2005), it was well received by book critics and was a hit with younger audiences.  Two more books followed, making the series a trilogy, and the book was turned into a movie in 2008; but the movie received mixed reviews and was especially disliked by fans of the book.  I’ve read the first two books in this series and have enjoyed them both; and while I have no interest in seeing the movie (since it…

  • Neurodivergence,  TV


    It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and the primary reason for this is that my grandmother, the last grandparent I have, passed away last month; and well, I took a break from writing and wasn’t quite sure how to start it back.  Then, I finally decided to end my well-over-a-month hiatus with a review of DuckTales!  (FYI:  This review is for the remake, not the original.)  After it was announced that Disney was going to remake DuckTales for the channel Disney XD, some people were unsure about how the show was going to turn out being a remake and all; but, when DuckTales was released in 2017, it was…